Verb conjugation modifies the verb in person and number, gender (in the past tense and the subjunctive mood), and voices.Conjugational Verbs have forms of person, number and gender, time and mood, while unconjunctional - the infinative, the participle, and the adverbial participle

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The Infinitive

The infinative tells you a type of action without spesifics about gender,person time and mood. It is not changeable. Infinitives have the following endings: -ть, -ти : кричать, расти (to cry, to grow). In infinitives ending with -чь (стеречь - to guard), the sound [ч] is actually both an element of the stem and a suffix.

There are 2 Conjugation in Russian. There are also some exceptions.


Verb Conjugation
1st Conjugation Verbs having stressed personal endings : -у/-ю,-ешь,-ет,-ем,-ете,-ут/-ют: пьешь,несет drinking(you're), carrying(he's)
Verbs with unstressed personal endings and infinitives not ending with -ить: кричать, полоть scream, plow
verbs - exceptions брить , стелить and those derived from them расстелить, побриться shave, spread / make the bed
2st Conjugation Verbs with stressed personal endings-у /-ю,-ишь, -ит, -им, -ите, -ат, -ят: сидишь, стоишь sit, stand
Verbs with unstressed personal endings and infinitives ending with -ить: строить, растить
build, grow
verbs - exceptions: зависеть, ненавидеть, обидеть смотреть, держать, дышать, слышать, вертеть, терпеть and those derived from them присмотреть, обидеться etc
depend on, hate, offend, see, hold, breathe,hear, spin, stand (tolerate)
Exception 1 Some verbs fall partly into both conjugations: хотеть , бежать and those derived from them убежать, захотеть
want, run
Exception 2
Some verbs follow the archaic type of conjugation: дать, создать, есть and those derived from them: отдать, поесть
give, create