Russian language news podcast 1 - 12 April 2010
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Created: 02 August 2013
Here I present a collection of major news from 6th - 12th April 2010. Listen, learn new Russian words and expressions and broaden your horizons.
Новость первая.
Польша скорбит по жертвам авиакатастрофы под Смоленском -
На борту разбившегося под Смоленском польского самолета находились 97 человека, среди них президент Польши Лех Качиньский с супругой. 12 апреля в России объявлен национальный траур. Дмитрий Медведев выразил соболезнования польскому народу.
Poland mourns the victims of plane crash near Smolensk
On board the Polish plane that crashed near Smolensk were 97 people, among them the president of Poland Lech Kaczynski with his wife. The 12th of April has been announced a national mourning day in Russia. Dmitry Medvedev has offered their condolences to the people of Poland.
Новость вторая.
Новые власти Киргизии оставят в стране военную базу США
New power in Kyrgyzstan will keep the US military base
State Secretary Hilary Clinton has help telephone negotiations with the leader of the Provisional Government of Kyrgyzstan Roza Otunbaeva. According to the official representative of Government Department, State Secretary of US has offered the new powers of Kyrgyzstan humanitarian aid and discussed the need for stabilization of the situation on the region.
Новость третья.
Дмитрий Медведев назвал аморальным отказ американских родителей от российского мальчика
Dmitry Medvedev has labelled the refusal of a Russian kid an immoral act
The situation with the 7-year-old boy, whom his adoptive mother, a citizen of the US, has put him on a flight back unaccompanied to Moscow is simply 'aweful'. In such a way the President of Russian Federation described it today in an exclusive interview to the American channel ABC. D. Medvedev said Artyom Savelyev 'found himself in a very bad family'. The Russian leader has proposed concluding a mutual agreement with the United States regarding the issue of adopting kids. If such an agreement is not reached Russia could freeze the process of adopting Russian children by the citizens of the US.
Аморальный – immoral
Приёмная мать – adoptive mother
Отправить на самолёте - to send on a plane
Попадать (imp попасть) куда-то - to find yourself somewhere
Российский лидер – Russia's leader
Заключить договор - to conclude an agreement
Заморозить процесс - to 'freeze' a process / to suspend a process
Усыновление детей - children adoption
Усыновлять - to adopt
Интервью американскому телеканалу - an interview to an American TV channel
Новость четвертая.
Временная правительство: Киргизия будет парламентской республикой
Временное правительство Киргизии поделилось планами на будущее. Большинство членов временного правительства хочет видеть Киргизию парламентской республикой. По последним данным, число погибших во время беспорядков 7-8 апреля 2010г. в Киргизии составило 79 человек. Всего госпитализировано около 500 человек.Provisional Government : Kyrgyzstan will be a parliamentary republic
The provisional government of Kyrgyzstan has shared its plans on the future. The majority of the members of the Provisional government want to see Kyrgyzstan as a parliament republic. According to the latest information the number of victims during the riots of 7-8 of April 2010 in Kyrgyzstan came to 79 people. Altogether about 500 people were hospitalized.
Парламентская рекпублика – Parliamentary republic
Делиться планами - to tell your plans
Большинство - the majority
Хотеть видеть что-то чем-то- to want to see something as something
По последним данным – According to the latest information
Беспорядки - riots
Жертва - victim
Госпитализировать - to hospitalize
Погибщие - fatalities