On February  4th I turned 28 and I had a birthday party. I invited some of my good friends to a bowling center where we sat at a table where we were served food and drinks and also we had a bowling competition. I scored 135 points and was the winner! Apart from bowling we played Russian billiard and drank draft beer. A glass of beer cost 130 rubles (about $4-5 )That was a lot of fun and I enjoyed it. I will upload pics later if you want.  

Hope you liked the short story and now let's learn some useful words and expressions :

  • мне исполнилось 28 - I turned 28
  • birthday - день рождения
  • 135 points -  сто тридцать пять очков
  • to score points - набирать очки
  • that was a lot of fun -  было очень весело
  • draft beer -  разливное пиво
  • drink beer - пить  пиво
  • food and drinks - еда и напитки
  • bowling - боулинг









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