Hello everybody! I loved this blog as I came across it and now I want to join you here in your struggle with the Russian language.

  Here's a small funny poem by Tim Sobakin I've got for you today  (escpecially for those who have problems with the cases). It's one of my childhood favourites! Read and enjoy!

If you want to listen to it, you can download my reading from here: http://www.filehoster.ru/files/eq4352


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Свинья в полынье

Шла весной по льду свинья.
Ей попалась полынья.
Плюх!.. Торчит из полыньи
только хвостик от свиньи.
Мы скорее к полынье,
мы помочь хотим свинье.
Сами - чуть не в полынью,
но спасли-таки свинью!..
Недовольны мы свиньёй:
разве шутят с полыньёй?
Вспоминайте о свинье,
чтоб не плавать в полынье!

... мы скорее к полынье, мы помочь хотим свинье.

 Words and expressions:

полынья - unfrozen patch of water (in an icebound river or lake)

плюх! - splash!

торчать (imperfective) - to stick out

...-таки  -  after all (colloquial, emphatic)

Learning Russian language is easy and interesting. You can learn Russian online using video and audio lessons. Besides the language learn more about Russia.  Get registered, make some friends while studying to share helpful tips on learning Russian. The best way to learn Russian is to start to speak it first. Grammar is important and trust me it will come with time. You can learn to speak Russian phrases with 'How to speak Russian in 30 lessons" course. Speak Russian words and practice your writing skills in Blog and Forum.